Healthy Food Blog

A Tabletop Garden + {Cucumber Melon Juice}

So when I saw the name of this juice highlighted on the Jointhereboot website, the first thing that came to mind was Bath & Bodyworks' hand lotion.  This both excited me and worried me at the same time.  I can honestly say I've never once felt the desire to lick my hands after putting on this lotion, so I wasn't so sure a juice made out of cucumber and melon would taste very good!  I was skeptical, but thought it was worth a try.  The ... Read more » about A Tabletop Garden + {Cucumber Melon Juice}

I hate following recipes + {Overnight Oats}

Honestly, I never thought I liked cooking.  It was such a chore.  It was always so messy.  It was so tedious.  I wasn't very good at it.  I was always missing ingredients.  But what I realized is: I just hate following a recipe.  I like being creative.  I like trying new things.  I like problem-solving.  I like discovering how flavors blend.  I like creating meals based on ingredients I have available (so shopping for good staples is key!).  I like feeling accomplish ... Read more » about I hate following recipes + {Overnight Oats}

Pure perfection a.k.a. Honeydew Caprese Salad

Well folks, I went back to my Italian roots last night.  The recent blog post about my dear ol' Italian dad must've stirred something up inside of me!  As you may know, I've been doing a lot of experimenting creating in the kitchen the past week or two... ... Read more » about Pure perfection a.k.a. Honeydew Caprese Salad

Weekly Weigh-In #4 + Things my dad taught me

Awwww, my dad.  You may have "met" him in my Important Things in life post from last week.  But what you don't know is that he has always been a great encourager in my life, always knowing just the right thing to say at just the right moment.  I am soooo thankful for him!  (Aren't we cute in this pic from Christmas?) ... Read more » about Weekly Weigh-In #4 + Things my dad taught me

My office is trying to kill me! (Or at least keep me fat)

I don't know about you, but for me one of the worst places for healthy eating is often the office:  the exact place where one SITS for literally 8 hours a day.  I guess it's often called a "perk"... ... Read more » about My office is trying to kill me! (Or at least keep me fat)

JointheReboot + Italian Polenta

Well first of all, I must say, I have been overwhelmed with joy and thankfulness at the response to my recent guest blog post on the "Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead" website.  You can read the full post here.   This has been quite the journey with many celebrations and mini-milestones along the way, but I must say that this moment has been the best yet.  To actually feel like an ... Read more » about JointheReboot + Italian Polenta

Recipe: Carbeeple = Carrot Beet Apple Juice!

Happy Monday folks!  I hope you enjoyed your weekend & St. Patty's day as much as I did.  Evidently I was in creative mode all weekend because I created a brand new delicious Citrus Kale Salad... AND  I made up a new name for my 2nd favorite juice: Carbeeple!  It's a mix between carrots, beets, and apples.  Mmmmmm!  It's super sweet and loaded with nutrients.  And that color would make a beautiful lipstick :)
