Dragon Fruit Smoothie Bowl


smoothie bowls | dairy-free smoothies | dragon fruit smoothie


2 packets of dragon fruit puree (approx 8oz)
1 serving of vegan vanilla Arbonne protein powder (or sub your favorite)
1⁄2 cup Silk Unsweetened Cashewmilk
4 Strawberries (greens/top removed)
  various toppings* (see below)


top with fresh fruit -- like blackberries, strawberries, banana, frozen blueberries
top with healthy fat -- like shredded coconut or nuts
top with chia seeds


  1. Combine smoothie bowl ingredients together in a high speed blender (Blendtec if my favvvv).
  2. Blend until smooth.
  3. Pour it into a bowl and top with various toppings.