Healthy Food Blog

Hold the cream sauce.

I'm Italian. I grew up eating my grandmother's spaghetti every week.  I remember waking up to that powerful smell of garlic and tomatoes, evidence that my dad had been in the kitchen since 5AM. We had bread served with almost every dinner.  I love Love LOVE tomatoes. And I wholeheartedly prefer pasta to rice.  But I'm also on a diet, a very public diet that the world can see.   Does that mean I can never eat pasta again?

I don't think so. ... Read more » about Hold the cream sauce.

Recipe: Mean Green Juice

There's something about that green.  It's electric, radioactive almost.  It just LOOKS healthy, right?  The good news is, it actually tastes amazing!  And I'm not just saying that.  So here it is, the only Kale success I know of so far: the Mean Green Juice! This is one of the primary juices featured in the Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead movie... and one I could drink almost every day!
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What is it for?

First the confession: I sometimes often shop at Walmart.  There I said it.  Judge me as you like, but I have my reasons:  a) It's the closest by distance (1/3 the distance to a regular grocery store) and b) I don't feel the need to dress up or look my best.  Ha!  Because, hey... ... Read more » about What is it for?

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses...

I know weight-loss is a tough topic for most of us.  It is easy to feel lots of guilt, shame, and 100 other awful things when we start thinking about our weight, where we're at, where we think we should be, etc.  So this morning, I just want to touch on some of the top excuses (reasons) I came up with personally, that have kept me from getting the body I know I deserve. ... Read more » about Excuses, Excuses, Excuses...

Week 1 Weigh-in: Moment of Truth

So...did my efforts pay off???  Before we get to this week's weigh-in/reveal, I must say I do feel like I worked harder than usual this week.  Which is a good thing.  I felt a lot more intentional.  I thought about what I ate: whether it was helping or hurting my goals.  I thought about moving and being more active, and put those thoughts into action (though I can still do more!). ... Read more » about Week 1 Weigh-in: Moment of Truth

Got 3 Minutes??? A WEEK?

If you don't have 3 minutes a week to spare, you need some serious help.  (ie. stop. drop. roll! your life is on fuego!!)  A new study came out by the BBC that claims you can get fit(ter) by exercising a certain way for 3 minutes a week.  You read that right.  Not three minutes a day, even!!  3 MINUTES A WEEK.  I was intrigued.  Are you?  Are you alive??? ... Read more » about Got 3 Minutes??? A WEEK?

A Case of the Mondays --- Brutally Honest

I thought about just not posting.  But, that's not really fair or transparent.  So here I am, in full blahness and frustration bearing my soul thoughts to you :) I'm hoping you can relate to this and in the end, find encouragement.  Even less than a week in to this new journey of blogging and refocus on weight loss, I am wishing the whole process was easier.  No, not creating a blog post.  That's re ... Read more » about A Case of the Mondays --- Brutally Honest
